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Our community

Located just east and south of San Diego’s downtown, Greater Logan Heights consists of six distinct yet similar neighborhoods — Barrio Logan, Logan Heights, Memorial, Sherman Heights, Grant Hill, and Stockton. 


Home to many of the city’s newcomers, laborers, and servicemen since the late 1800’s, today it is also San Diego’s youngest urban area with a diverse blend of 40,000 Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites and with a dynamic mix of industry, art, commerce, and housing.

Community Demographics

1 in 3 residents are under 18

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30% of the community's students are considered homeless

Of the Hispanic population, 8 in 10 experience at least one Adverse Childhood Experience (learn more)


1 in 4 experience four or more of the following conditions

  • Increased obesity

  • Risk of future health issues

  • Anxiety, withdrawal, and aggression

  • Substance abuse

  • Diminished language, literacy, and math skills

  • Diminished attention in school

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Alma Community Care is exempt from U.S. Federal Income Taxes under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and our tax identification number is 81-4296647.  All donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by the law.


 PO Box 13602 San Diego CA  92170-3602  |   619-738-1972   |

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